Toepassing van Q10
Q10 krijg je via voeding binnen maar wordt ook binnen in het lichaam zelf aangemaakt (synthese). Q10 geeft meer energie en het is een zeer krachtige anti-oxidant. Q10 is uitstekend voor mensen met hartklachten, zoals bijvoorbeeld hartfalen.Gezonde mensen hoeven pas na hun 30ste aan Q10 suppletie te gaan denken (Q10 synthese neemt met het stijgen der jaren in het lichaam af). 30mg per dag is voldoende. Blijf je gezond hoog dan elke 20 jaar de dagelijkse dosis met 30mg op om het te kort aan Q10 in het lichaam aan te vullen.
Als je klachten hebt en wilt proberen of Q10 dit verhelpt doe dan als volgt:
- Start met 30mg Q10 per dag en verdubbel deze dosis maandelijks als de klachten blijven bestaan. Als je echt een Q10 te kort hebt vul je het zo snel aan. Een hogere dosis dan 240mg heeft geen zin en is trouwens ook te duur. (een hogere dosis, 390mg/dag, heeft wel zin bij het bestrijden van met name borstkanker)
- Continueer de dosis waarbij de klachten verdwenen zijn tenminste twee maanden.
- Bouw dan, uit oogpunt van kosten besparing, elke maand met 30mg per dag af. Stop met afbouwen voordat de klachten terugkeren.
Extra Q10 waar is dat nu goed voor?
- kan meer energie geven
- is een krachtige anti-oxidant
- uitstekend voor patienten met hartfalen
- in het algemeen goed voor mensen met hartklachten
- samen met magnesium (aminozuur gebonden) goed tegen hoge bloeddruk
- vermindert paradentose (los zittende tanden)
- wordt toegepast in de bestrijding van borstkanker (hoge dosis)
What is CoQ10?
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) or ubiquinone is essentially a vitamin or vitamin-like substance. Professor Morton introduced the name ubiquinone, meaning the ubiquitous quinone. (in fact, the compound has been called by the name ubiquinone from the word "ubiquitous" which's everywhere, however, it's everywhere only in very small quantities). CoQ10 is found in small amounts in a wide variety of foods and is synthesised in all tissues. The biosynthesis of CoQ10 from the amino acid tyrosine is a multistage process requiring at least seven vitamins and several trace elements. Coenzymes are cofactors upon which the comparatively large and complex enzymes absolutely depend for their function. Coenzyme Q10 is the coenzyme for at least three mitochondrial enzymes (complexes I, II and III) as well as enzymes in other parts of the cell. Mitochondrial enzymes (I, II and III) of the oxidative phosphorylation pathway are essential for the production of the high-energy phosphate, adenosine triphosphate (ATP, bioenergy), upon which all cellular functions depend. The term "bioenergy" has been used to describe the field of biochemistry looking specifically at cellular energy production.In the related field of free radical chemistry, CoQ10 has been studied in its reduced form as a potent antioxidant. It is naturally present in small amounts in a wide variety of foods but is particularly high in organ meats such as heart, liver and kidney, as well as beef, soy oil, sardines, mackerel, and peanuts. To put dietary CoQ10 intake into perspective, one pound of sardines, two pounds of beef, or two and one half pounds of peanuts, provide 30 mg of CoQ10.
Coenzyme Q10 deficiency
Normal blood and tissue levels of CoQ10 have been well established by numerous investigators around the world. Significantly decreased levels of CoQ10 have been noted in a wide variety of diseases in both animal and human studies. CoQ10 deficiency may be caused by insufficient dietary CoQ10, impairment in CoQ10 biosynthesis, excessive utilisation of CoQ10 by the body, or any combination of the three.The relative contribution of CoQ10 biosynthesis versus dietary CoQ10 is under investigation. Karl Folkers (the leading Q10 expert) takes the position that the dominant source of CoQ10 in man is biosynthesis. This complex, 17 step process, requiring at least seven vitamins (vitamin B2 - riboflavin, vitamin B3 - niacinamide, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin C, and pantothenic acid) and several trace elements, is, by its nature, highly vulnerable. Karl Folkers argues that suboptimal nutrient intake in man is almost universal and that there is subsequent secondary impairment in CoQ10 biosynthesis. This would mean that average or "normal" levels of CoQ10 are really suboptimal and the very low levels observed in advanced disease states represent only the tip of a deficiency "ice berg".
Should I take CoQ10?
This question can be asked in two ways. First, should a reasonably healthy person take CoQ10 to stay healthy or to become more robust? At present I do not believe anyone knows the answer to this question. There is no information on the use of CoQ10 for prevention of illness. Second, should a person with an illness such as congestive heart failure take CoQ10? The answer for congestive heart failure is simply: yes. As improvement in heart function occurs, a patient should have regular medical follow up with particular attention to concomitant drug therapy.Is CoQ10 safe?
Yes. Many studies have confirmed that CoQ10 is safe. One Study, which evaluated the effects of CoQ10 supplementation on 2,500 patients diagnosed with heart failure (50-150 mg. of CoQ10 daily for three months), reported that patients showed remarkable improvement in clinical signs and symptoms, without adverse side effects. The results of this study were remarkable; 75% of patients reported improvements in palpitations and 54% of the patients reported improvements in at least 3 symptoms. This study and many others conclude that CoQ10 supplementation is safe and effective. There is now more then 30 years experience in treating patients with CoQ10. There are no side effects during long term use of CoQ10.Treatment of heart disease with CoQ10
CoQ10 is known to be highly concentrated in heart muscle cells due to the high energy requirements of this cell type. For the past 14 years, the great bulk of clinical work with CoQ10 has focused on heart disease. Specifically, congestive heart failure (from a wide variety of causes) has been strongly correlated with significantly low blood and tissue levels of CoQ10. The severity of heart failure correlates with the severity of CoQ10 deficiency. This CoQ10 deficiency may well be a primary etiologic factor in some types of heart muscle dysfunction while in others it may be a secondary phenomenon. Whether primary, secondary or both, this deficiency of CoQ10 appears to be a major treatable factor in the otherwise inexorable progression of heart failure.Pioneering trials of CoQ10 in heart failure involved primarily patients with dilated weak heart muscle of unknown cause (idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy). CoQ10 was added to standard treatments for heart failure such as fluid pills (diuretics), digitalis preparations (Lanoxin), and ACE inhibitors. Heart function, as indicated by the fraction of blood pumped out of the heart with each beat (the ejection fraction), showed a gradual and sustained improvement in tempo with a gradual and sustained improvement in patients' symptoms of fatigue, dyspnea, chest pain, and palpitations. The degree of improvement was occasionally dramatic with some patients developing a normal heart size and function on CoQ10 alone. Most of these dramatic cases were patients who began CoQ10 shortly after the onset of congestive heart failure. Patients with more established disease frequently showed clear improvement but not a return to normal heart size and function. If CoQ10 is so effective in the treatment of heart failure, why is it not more generally used in this country? The answer to this question is found in the fields of politics and marketing and not in the fields of science or medicine. The controversy surrounding CoQ10 likewise is political and economic as the previous 30 years of research on CoQ10 have been remarkably consistent and free of major controversy.
While the pharmaceutical industry does a good job at physician and patient education on their new products, the distributors of CoQ10 are not as effective at this. This education is extremely costly and can only be done with the reasonable expectation of patent protected profit. CoQ10 is not patentable.
Q10 and Hypertension
Enzymatic deficiency of CoQ10 has been reported in 39% of hypertensive (hoge bloeddruk) patients. Supplementation with the enzyme resulted in a significant fall in blood pressure in a majority of patients. It is thought that Co Enzyme Q10 reduces aldosterone secretions as well as inhibiting the effect of angiotensin in sodium retention. It is interesting to note that beta-blocker medication (Propranalol, Metaprolol) inhibit CoQ10 dependent enzymes and possibly compromise their effect by causing, in the long run, CoQ10 deficiency.Can other people benefit from supplementing with CoQ10?
One group of people who may benefit greatly from supplementing with CoQ10 is the elderly. It is believed that the decline of CoQ10 levels in our body, which occurs with age, may be partly responsible for the deterioration of the immune system that occurs as we grow older.Other people can benefit from CoQ10 supplementation. Research shows that CoQ10 increases antioxidant protection and cases of heart disease may not be the only area where it is of benefit. CoQ10 seems to help with allergies, asthma, respiratory disease, and hearing disorders. It has also been used to improve brain function and has been reputed to be of some benefit in cases of schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease. It may also help with obesity, candidiases, multiple sclerosis, periodontal disease, and diabetes
The future of CoQ10
Changes in medicine in the near future (I hope)
In the past 50 years the driving force in medicine has been the development of drugs and procedures to modify the pathophysiology of illness. As viewed from the trenches of medical practice, the advances in drug therapy, although notable and clearly helpful, appear to have reached a plateau. Most of the "new" drugs over the past several years are primarily variants of old drugs. By comparison, the impressive advances made by basic scientists, biochemists, and molecular biologists, are only now beginning to be appreciated by the medical profession, and the enormous potential of these basic science advances has yet to be pursued.The attack strategy
Modern medicine seems to be based on an "attack strategy", a philosophy of treatment formed in response to the discovery of antibiotics and the development of surgical/anaesthetic techniques. Disease is viewed as something that can be attacked selectively - with antibiotics, chemotherapy, or surgery - assuming no harm to the patient. Even chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and hypertension, yield simple numbers which can be furiously assaulted with medications.Host (patient) support strategy
Amidst the miracles and drama of 20th century medicine we may have forgotten the importance of host support by activating our own internal defence and repair systems. Yet, in this age, a patient may be cured of leukaemia through multiple courses of chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation, only to die slowly of unrecognised thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency. Like the vitamins discovered in the early part of this century, CoQ10 is an essential element of food that can now be used medicinally to support the sick host in conditions where nutritional depletion and cellular dysfunction occur.Q10 and Cancer
One of the disease states which has received attention is cancer. Low levels of CoQ10 in the blood of some cancer patients have been noted, but overall, there is little data regarding cancer. The best work to date documents a significant reduction in the cardiac toxicity of the chemotherapy drug, Adriamycin. The cardiac toxicity of Adriamycin and related drugs may well relate to free radical generation and this might explain the benefit of CoQ10 in its capacity as a free radical scavenger. The studies on Adriamycin cardiotoxicity were of short duration and did not specifically note any favourable or detrimental effect on the clinical course of the cancer itself. It is reasonable to assume that optimal nutrition (which would include optimal levels of CoQ10) is generally beneficial in any disease state, including cancer.Q10 and the Immune system
Another interesting topic is the relationship between the immune system and CoQ10. Immune function is extraordinarily complex and undoubtedly is influenced by numerous nutritional variables. There are some encouraging preliminary data from the study of AIDS patients. End stage AIDS, like other overwhelming illnesses, has been associated with a significant deficiency in CoQ10. Regarding AIDS and cancer, it would be foolish to make premature statements about future utility of CoQ10, but it is even more foolish to ignore the importance of adequate CoQ10 levels in these disease states. Adequate CoQ10 supplementation (with close attention to plasma CoQ10 levels) is analogous to adequate hydration, and any treatment of critically ill patients should not ignore this easily measured and correctable deficiency.Q10, the antoxidant
The antioxidant or free radical quenching properties of CoQ10 serve to greatly reduce oxidative damage to tissues as well as significantly inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (the bad guy, HDL cholesterol - the good guy) much more efficiently than vitamin E. This has great implications in the treatment of ischemia and reperfusion injury as well as the potential for slowing the development of atherosclerosis. In keeping with the free radical theory of aging, these antioxidant properties of CoQ10 have clear implications in the slowing of ageing and age related degenerative diseases. There is epidemiologic evidence in humans that uniformly shows a gradual decline in CoQ10 levels after the age of twenty.Q10 Candida Warning
In some people, absorption of supplemental Q10 from the gut may be very low. We have recently (June 98) conducted a study that supports a hypothesis (Ely unpublished) that overgrowth of Candida Albicans in the gut may explain this problem. Although no side effects have been found for Q10 itself, certain classes of people who have Candida colonizing the region of gut just beyond the stomach (duodenum and proximal jejunum) are likely to encounter two problems. The orally supplemented Q10 may, all or in large part, be consumed by the Candida preventing the human host from elevating Q10 blood levels and gaining the expected benefits. Of much greater concern is this colonization which, from our recent study of the literature, we fear:- can result in high mortality unless corrected promptly;
- has been recognized since the early 1980's and identified as a cause of multiple organ failure and other lethal syndromes;
- has gone unread because of both the time pressures on physicians today and the shear size of the 40 million publ.pages/decade of indexed medical science research literature received at our library (it isn't possible to even turn 40 million publ.pages in a decade); and
- finally colonization occurs when Candida from the mouth are able to pass thru the stomach because its acid is reduced by any of numerous procedures still common today, including H-2 blockers and even habitual use of antacid tablets.
Aanbevolen CoQ10 supplementen
Door lezers gemeldde resultaten
Ik wil heel graag weten welke resultaten met mijn adviezen worden behaald. Ervaringen van anderen zijn waardevoller dan tien artikelen van mij. Wilt u mij alstublieft laten weten of u resultaten boekt met deze informatie!!!!22 april 2001, man [hart problemen]
Je vroeg ons te reageren als er iets veranderde met onze gezondheid naar aanleiding van een artikel van jouw hand. Dit gaat over het gebruik van voedingssupplement Q-10. Bij mij werkt het goed, het hart is gekrompen in drie maanden tijd. Dr. Bakx van het St. Elisabeth vindt een operatie nog steeds aan te raden (aorta klep wordt vervangen) Mijn profijt bij de Q-10 is: Het verbeterd de hart conditie (door hartfilmpje bewezen) en ik heb meer energie. Dat laatste was erg belangrijk daar ik steeds meer op bed bleef liggen. Nu voel ik mij weer meetellen, dus wat dat betekent tussen de oren kunt U wel raden. Tevens wordt dit middel niet door Zorg en Zekerheid vergoedt. Ook de G.G.D. te Leiden adviseerde de gemeente om op vergoeding nee te zeggen. Maaaaaaaaaar door de aanbeveling van de cardioloog Dr. Bakx te copieeren en mee naar de Sociale Zaken te sturen is de G.G.D. over-ruled en wordt het vergoedt. Het is toch 100 piek per maand. Bij een vrouwelijke kennis van mij sloeg het niet aan, haar cholesterolgehalte vloog de pan uit en moest ze gebruik per direct beeindigen.Reactie PW
Weet uw kennis zeker dat de cholesterolverhoging door de Q10 komt? Ik kan mij dat niet voorstellen, maar ik moet ook wel toegeven dat het menselijke lichaam voor mij soms toch ook weer een mysterie is.Referenties
Maagdarmstoornissen: Candida infectie - Prikkelbaredarmsyndroom - Crohn - Colitus Ulcerosa - CVS/ME: Chronische vermoeidheid Syndroom - Diabetische complicaties: Bloeduiker stabilisatie - Neuropathie - Retinopathie - Nefropathie - Hart- en vaatziekten: Cardiomyopathie en Hartfalen - Hoge bloeddruk - Cholesterol verlaging - Aderverkalking (atherosclerose) - Spataderen - Levensverlenging: 100 jaren jong - DHEA - Melatonine - 65+ - Kanker: - Ondersteuningstherapie bij kanker - Bot en gewrichtsaandoeningen: - Artrose - Artritis - Osteoporose - Fibromyalgie: - Fibromyalgie - Urinewegaandoeningen: - Prostaatklachten - Blaasontsteking - Vrouwenklachten: Menopauze - Premenstrueelsyndroom - Overgewicht: - Overgewicht - SLIM - Oogaandoeningen: Staar - Slecht zien Andere artikelen: - HPU - Astma - Multiple Sclerose - Psoriasis - Depressie
Maagdarmstoornissen: Candida infectie - Prikkelbaredarmsyndroom - Crohn - Colitus Ulcerosa - CVS/ME: Chronische vermoeidheid Syndroom - Diabetische complicaties: Bloeduiker stabilisatie - Neuropathie - Retinopathie - Nefropathie - Hart- en vaatziekten: Cardiomyopathie en Hartfalen - Hoge bloeddruk - Cholesterol verlaging - Aderverkalking (atherosclerose) - Spataderen - Levensverlenging: 100 jaren jong - DHEA - Melatonine - 65+ - Kanker: - Ondersteuningstherapie bij kanker - Bot en gewrichtsaandoeningen: - Artrose - Artritis - Osteoporose - Fibromyalgie: - Fibromyalgie - Urinewegaandoeningen: - Prostaatklachten - Blaasontsteking - Vrouwenklachten: Menopauze - Premenstrueelsyndroom - Overgewicht: - Overgewicht - SLIM - Oogaandoeningen: Staar - Slecht zien Andere artikelen: - HPU - Astma - Multiple Sclerose - Psoriasis - Depressie